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January 2023 Update

January 2023 Update

Happy New Year everyone!

We're finally done with the Holiday rush and eggnog (lol)!
I hope everyone had a safe and fun filled Holiday and New Years Celebration.

To kick 2023 off, lets start by outlining a few changes I'm making to the KJP product offering.

Key'd N Podcast

The Key'd N Podcast is a podcast hosted and created by myself (Key Jay) with content that spans that gamut from Video Games, Tech, Anime and more. To align my content more with what I would like to create however, I've decided to postpone the podcast for the time being.

I would like to revisit podcasting as soon as my other offerings are in better shape, have a bit more help to manage it as the necessary time commitment is a bit too much for me at the moment, and have a larger userbase that would be asking for it. I could honestly see it in the future as an extension to live streams if necessary.

For now, you'll be able to find the first episode of the podcast on Anker and other streaming platforms.

Project Wind Roadmap

Last year, I revealed my next big major project, "Project Wind" and one of the characters, Fly. This year, I plan on taking the project further and for starters, this begins with creating the official Project Roadmap!

I'm hastily working to finish this roadmap, but it should appear as an update on this blog first within the next few days!

In addition to the roadmap, I'll be slowly working on the investor story and presentation packages as these will become important in searching for more development funds. Thankfully, I now have some help in crafting this.

This project has a long road ahead of it for sure, but at every point in development, things are getting much more exciting!

Key Jay Reviews is now Key Jay KN

For the uninitiated,
I've been putting a bit more work in molding a second YouTube channel; one that is separate from my music content and focuses more on tech. Well, with the temporary closure of the podcast and in an effort to consolidate and keep things simple, I decided to rebrand that YouTube channel (again) to "Key Jay Key'd N" or "Key Jay KN" for short!

The channel will maintain its focus on tech reviews and a few tutorials, but since it also bears the "Key'd N" name, I figured that slices of the podcast content can be included within the channel. This includes but wont be limited to, Anime and indie game impressions, review shorts, thoughtful conversation pieces, and more.

I was also planning to start a separate channel just for live streaming since the prevailing thought used to be that live streaming hinders your channel discovery and growth, however it seems much of this conversation has subsided and prominently seems to be the discussion for larger personalities and channels. Splitting the content can always be explored again in the future, however as I am at the moment, it would seem to create more time based problems than necessary.

Seeing this, I've decided to roll live, shorts, and other content into this one channel. This makes managing things simple, and keeps the user base neat and in one place.

Fund building Projects

There's no progress without money unfortunately.

To help bolster some of the funding initiatives, I'm also freelancing for a couple of other game projects as a composer in addition to my other initiatives with Key Jay KN.

Hopefully, you'll be able to play the results of our work!

Wrapping things up

Hope you all are excited for things to come this year! I appreciate, as always, all of your help and support in taking these and more Key Jay Productions further; changing the world of entertainment, one beautiful step at a time.
