1 min read

May 2023 Update

May 2023 Update

It's been some time since the last Key Jay Productions update, but we're finally back with a new update!

For this month’s update, we're trying something a little different. In an effort to be a bit more direct, Instead of the usual longform text format, we’re putting the update to video! Hope you enjoy looking at me for a little bit (I promise it wont be too long lol).

Please be sure to let me know in the comments section of the video.


Project Fly Updates

  • Zar full color design complete!
  • Currently working to finish colors on two more character designs
  • Began looking into some Unreal Engine
  • Still working on public road map

KJP Updates

  • Discord and WhatsApp communities
  • Email update...updates
  • New sites coming
    • Project Wind
    • Key Jay Productions
  • New YouTube channel
  • Changes to blog.keyjaycompound.com

Other Stuff

Feel free to chat with me about it!

Thanks again as always for supporting Key Jay Productions!